Craft chocolate bar by Patric Chocolate
Do you see this chocolate bar?! Wait, that’s not even the best part!
The BEST part is that I can actually eat it! Whoo-hoo! (Excuse me while I turn a flip, and bust a move. Go chocolate bar! Go chocolate bar! Go, go, go!)
While having a soy allergy is far from the worst thing in the world, it does mean that almost all chocolate and chocolate products* are off-limits because of $@#!% soy lecithin. That is why I did a serious, s-l-o-w happy dance when I saw this Patric Chocolate bar in Alon’s. Simple, yet decadent: the perfect little luxury.
*Thankfully, there is one chocolate ice cream that doesn’t list soy as an ingredient. Bless you, Haagen Dazs Rocky Road. Don’t ever change.
My favorite, the Mocha OMG bar, is pure dark chocolate + espresso goodness.
(Side note: The packaging has changed quite a bit. Peep the new look on the Patric Chocolate website :-))
The Dark Milk bar: perfect for those who want both dark AND milk chocolate and are just too, too tired of taking a bite of dark, then a bite of milk, then a bite of dark…
Read about the meticulous process of making these chocolate bars, much of it done by hand, here.
My sentiments EXACTLY!
I knew it was over when you barely focused on our conversation as you danced after reading the ingredient list. I am so happy that you found a chocolate bar!
Me, too! Thanks for sharing in my joy 🙂