YUM! Patric Chocolate

Patric Chocolate Bar

Craft chocolate bar by Patric Chocolate

Do you see this chocolate bar?! Wait, that’s not even the best part!

Patric Chocolate Bar: 4 Simple Ingredients

The BEST part is that I can actually eat it! Whoo-hoo! (Excuse me while I turn a flip, and bust a move. Go chocolate bar! Go chocolate bar! Go, go, go!)

While having a soy allergy is far from the worst thing in the world, it does mean that almost all chocolate and chocolate products* are off-limits because of $@#!% soy lecithin. That is why I did a serious, s-l-o-w happy dance when I saw this Patric Chocolate bar in Alon’s. Simple, yet decadent: the perfect little luxury.

*Thankfully, there is one chocolate ice cream that doesn’t list soy as an ingredient. Bless you, Haagen Dazs Rocky Road. Don’t ever change.

Patric Chocolate: Mocha OMG Bar

My favorite, the Mocha OMG bar, is pure dark chocolate + espresso goodness.

(Side note: The packaging has changed quite a bit. Peep the new look on the Patric Chocolate website :-))

Patric Chocolate Dark Milk Bar

The Dark Milk bar: perfect for those who want both dark AND milk chocolate and are just too, too tired of taking a bite of dark, then a bite of milk, then a bite of dark…

Read about the meticulous process of making these chocolate bars,  much of it done by hand, here.


  1. Hallelujah!

  2. I knew it was over when you barely focused on our conversation as you danced after reading the ingredient list. I am so happy that you found a chocolate bar!

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