Alon’s Bakery and Market

I’ve mentioned before that Alon’s Bakery and Market in Dunwoody – directly across the street from Perimeter Mall – is one of my favorite, favorite spots. In case you haven’t had the chance to check it out for yourself, here is a bit of a virtual tour. Enjoy 🙂

Disclaimer: This is a pic-heavy post. Joy and Sunshine is not responsible for any drool- or computer screen licking-related damage to electronics. signed, The Management (i.e. me)

I had to give you one image before the jump, just in case you were thinking about not clicking through. Look at the perfectly-drawn treble clefs on the eclairs! (Yeah, I’m sure the treble clefs are what you’re most drawn to in this pic 🙂 )

Not a you-cook-it day? Prepared foods!

Do you see that mac and cheese?

Made-to-order pizza menu

Pastas and sauces

Fresh grab-and-go sandwiches. Well, grab-and-PAY-and-go; as yummy as they are, please don’t catch a case over a sandwich.

Other sandwich options

Fresh baked breads

Jellies, jams, preserves

Drink menu. Don’t get me started on their chai latte…

Okay, let’s get down to some serious business: These macarons – lemon! – should come with a warning label. After some time, I’ve been able to wean myself from 5/serving down to 3 or 4, depending upon what kind of day I’m having, of course. Some days are just 5 macaron days, and there’s no helping that.

All kinds of chocolatey, sugary goodness here. Peep the truffle cake in the right corner. Exactly.

Individual desserts

Gorgeous assorted chocolates


Although you can probably tell from these pics why Alon’s is my happy place, I’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s available. There are amazing soups and salads (the French Connection is my fave); wines and wine tastings; croissants, danishes, and cookies (I had an unbelievable chocolate chunk pecan while I was there… You know how you bite into something really good and have an involuntary eye-closing-and-sigh moment? Well, it was one of those, and I’m not even into cookies like that); breakfast and brunch items… You get the picture 🙂

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