I hate emptying the dishwasher. I know, it doesn’t make sense: I should be so thankful that I don’t have to wash dishes by hand that I should be doing the Beyonce’ Uh-Oh around the kitchen, putting clean dishes away on beat. But I don’t. I usually run the wash at night, adding a task I pretty much despise to my busy morning schedule. Recently, however, I had a DUH (sorry to take you back, way back, back into time, but that really is the most accurate term to describe me smacking myself on the forehead in why-didn’t-I-think-of-this-before-ness) moment: If I don’t want to wake up to a mess, then I shouldn’t go to sleep to one. See? Duh, right? So now I unload the dishwasher, wipe the countertops, and do some quick tidying up before bed…and have some extra time in the morning to Uh-Oh (oh no-no) if the mood hits.