365 Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Whole Foods)
For me, plain old extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is both a kitchen and a bath staple. It’s one of the most versatile and least expensive natural “beauty” products out there.
- Pre-Shampoo Conditioning Treatment: Saturate dry hair with slightly warmed EVOO, and leave on for 30-60 minutes. Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo as usual.
- Conditioner Booster: Add a small amount of EVOO into regular rinse-out hair conditioner to help moisturize extra dry hair.
- Bath Oil: Pour a little EVOO into running bath water for a moisturizing soak.
- Body Oil: Rub EVOO onto wet skin following a shower or bath. Let sit for a few minutes, and towel dry. (For extra soft, smooth skin, see this post.)
- Body Scrub and Lip Exfoliant: Mix EVOO and brown sugar together, and use as a body polish. Use a bit of the scrub on a clean washcloth to gently exfoliate dry, flaky lips.
** Be sure to get a separate bottle for the bath. The whole kitchen-to-bathroom-and-back product trek is just not a good idea. For real.