Reader Request: How to Look Stylish While Staying Cool

Reader Request:

I am heading to Arizona for a meeting next week and would like some ideas of what to wear. I thought I knew what to take until I realized that it is over 110 degrees every day.  So, I guess I cannot go to the meetings nude or in a two piece.  Any ideas of how I can look stylish and stay cool?

Thank you for submitting a question!

First of all, are you absolutely sure that you can’t attend at least a few meetings in a swimsuit? Ok, ok, scratch that: I don’t want to be responsible for any untimely bouts of unemployment 🙂

To look stylish and feel cool – all while being work-appropriate, of course – I suggest:

The 3 L's: Loose, Light, Linen

The Three L’s: Loose fitting, Light colored, and LINEN

Light Layers Two More L’s: Light Layers

(i.e. tanks and camis worn under featherweight cardigans or lightweight blazers; extra cool points for 3/4 instead of full length sleeves)

Cropped Trousers

Cropped Trousers: professional looking, but with a little extra air conditioning at the bottom

(all images courtesy of

I hope this helps, and again, thank you for the question!



Do you have any items you need shopped or any questions or dilemmas you’d like addressed (within the scope of the blog, of course)? Definitely let me know in the comments section, send me an email, or contact me on Facebook! 







  1. Yay! So, I think being gainfully employed will have to stay at the forefront of my mind while I am in the middle of the blazing heat. On the other hand, I am not responsible if I become delusional from the heat…a swimsuit may appear with a big hat in the meeting. Thanks so much for your help!

    • Joy and Sunshine says:

      I think it’ll be okay as long as you accessorize with the big hat. Without the hat, it’s just a swimsuit at a meeting, and that’s unacceptable in most corporate settings 🙂 Happy to help!

  2. Hello J&S!

    I hope all is well! I truly appreciate all of your suggestions in the past. I am preparing for another trip for work and a little play in California. I will be spending time in Fresno, San Francisco/Oakland, and hopefully Napa! So, I need to pack for a few different climates as well as outings. Most importantly, what does one wear on a wine tour? Thanks in advance for your help!!

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