Book: The Compound Effect

Book: The Compound Effect

I just finished reading The Compound Effect, and it was exactly the straight-up-no-chaser, real talk type of informational book I needed to kickstart and maintain some sustained, positive changes in my life. The simple premise of the book is that small, seemingly negligible choices made consistently over time will create dramatic differences (either good or bad) in the long run. Hardy begins the book with a quick example to illustrate this point: Three friends – similar in most characteristics – make three different sets of tiny choices over the course of a few years. One maintains the status quo, doing what he has always done; one makes small positive choices; and one makes small negative choices. The differences in results are invisible at first, but they become quite significant over time.

This type of thinking is in direct contrast to the now-nowNOW instant gratification world in which we live. As a personal example, I’m not a natural workout-y type of person. I like to be active, outdoors, and flexible, but consistent 3-4x/wk strength training and aerobics is just not my strong suit. I want “results” like yesterday, and I get discouraged and bored when I don’t see them almost immediately. This book speaks to the fact that not only is that an unrealistic point of view in any genre (fitness, business, education, anything), but it’s also not going to build the habits that will sustain any positive changes that do occur. Consistency is key. Hardy presents the following as a formula for achieving any goal:

CHOICE (decision) + BEHAVIOR (action) + HABIT (repeated action) + COMPOUNDED (time) = GOALS

Among other things, Hardy also details the importance of the following:

  • Determining your “Why Power,” the true, honest reason(s) and motivating factor(s) for wanting to make positive changes in your life
  • Identifying triggers to engaging in personal/professional bad habits and barriers to engaging in good ones
  • Capitalizing on the power of momentum and effective routines
  • Finding an “Accountability Partner,” a person with whom you meet/speak regularly to discuss each other’s goals; share personal wins and losses towards reaching those goals; and provide each other with open, honest feedback

Have you read this book? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Which motivational/self-help books have you found most influential and helpful? Do share 🙂

One tweak can set major change in motion :-)

Another quote on my pin board 🙂

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  1. I love this. I want to read it. I’m going to add this to my list.

    • Joy and Sunshine says:

      It’s a quick, easy read, and the author doesn’t mince words at all, which I appreciate. Let me know what you think when you read it 🙂

  2. Definitely adding this to my reading list. Somewhere between biochem and micro, but I’ll get there haha. I can definitely stand to improve my consistency and make some changes, so I’ll be looking forward to it. I love fresh insight especially when its so practical.

    • Joy and Sunshine says:

      It’s a quick, helpful read for sure, but with heavy-hitters like biochem and micro on your plate, I can see how it might need to take a backseat for a while. (Side note: I enjoyed (maybe “enjoyed” is too strong a word) I liked biochem: it’s so amazing how many compensatory mechanisms the body has on autopilot to keep us healthy and functioning. Micro, on the other hand, made me realize it’s a constant fight between us and the bad bugs. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss, lol.)

  3. I just stumbled upon this post, albeit almost two months late, but I guess it’s right on time for me. Happy New Year!

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